
China Supro Heavy Transporter ManufactorySales Department业务中心

Goldhofer Multi axle hydraulic modular trailer

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China extendable trailer, Extendable low bed trailer
浏览: 111
需求数量: 1
价格要求: 1
包装要求: 标准
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2016-12-28 22:40
China Supro Heavy Transporter Manufacturer Multi axle trailer www.suprotrailer.com Goldhofer hydraulic modular trailer [3w dot suprotrailer dot com] has an AAAAA workshops field in Shanghai of special transporters manufacturing, such as Shipyard transporter, Self propelled modular trailer(SPMT trailer), Hydraulic modular trailer, Multi axle trailer, Godhofer trailer, Cometto trailer, Heavy duty trailer, Extendable hydraulic modular trailer, Gird bridge, Heavy low bed trailer and other special transporters. Our special transporter can load 20-1000 tons cargo.Whatever the weight and size of the cargo, we can design the most professional transport schemes for you to guarantee the cargo with whole process safety! Our factory belongs to China national group and have started the special transporter manufacture since 1970s, so we have accumulated abundant the special transporter design experience.
hydraulic Modular Trailer www.suprotrailer.com Scheuerle
CHINA SUPRO 是一家专业生产液压轴线车的公司,公司专注于动力平板车,液压轴线车,多轴线挂车,自行式液压挂车,桥架运输车,特种平板车等多类型运输设备。公司设备可运输200-2000吨货物,并且可以根据您的货物的具体要求制定详细的运输方案和技术。CHINA SUPRO拥有多年的设计和生产经验,并且我司生产的液压轴线车可与德国GOLDHOFER 与法国NICOLAS相拼接。我司设备已通过欧洲CE的认证标准!